
New patients

Friday, 14 January - 2022|

Dear patients,

Only Dr Rani Debusscher and Dr Bart Donders are still accepting new patients (all other doctors are full). We also only accept patients living in Tervuren (postcode 3080).

Do you live within Tervuren (postal code 3080) and are still looking for a GP? Feel free to contact us by telephone.

Thank you for your understanding.


Thursday, 18 June - 2020|

Dear patients,

To minimize the number of calls during the consultations, we ask you to call between 1.30 pm and 2 pm to discuss results and/or short questions.

It is best to discuss the results with the doctor who requested the examination or who referred you. After all, he or she will know why he or she has requested which test and will thus be able to interpret your result in the best possible way.

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