Calling for results?


In order to minimize the number of phone calls during the consultations, we ask you to call between 1.30 pm and 2 pm to discuss results or to ask a short question. At that time, the doctors are not in consultation and so all calls will go directly to the doctors.

It is best to discuss the results with the doctor who requested the examination or who referred you. He or she will know why he or she requested the test and will be able to interpret your result in the best possible way.

Please note: not every doctor is present every day during that time. In the table below you can look up when the doctor you need is available between 1:30 pm and 2 pm.

No diagnosis can be made over the phone. You will need to make an appointment. You are also requested to come on consultation for extensive advice.

Monday Thuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
1:30 – 2 pm Dr. Verheyen
Dr. Verdonck
Dr. Grossen
Dr. Donders
Dr. Debusscher
Dr. Vuylsteke
Dr. Acosta
Dr. Verheyen
Dr. Verdonck
Dr. Grossen
Dr. Debusscher
Dr. Verdonck
Dr. Grossen
Dr. Debusscher
Dr. Vuylsteke
Dr. Acosta
Dr. Verheyen
Dr. Donders
Dr. Debusscher
Dr. Vuylsteke
Dr. Acosta
Dr. Verdonck
Dr. Grossen
Dr. Donders
Dr. Vuylsteke
Dr. Acosta